
Game Of Thrones: The Portrayal Of The Middle Ages

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Popular media is always using the Middle Ages as their theme in video games, movies, and television shows. However, not all media outlets properly portray the Middle Ages to their audience. The popular television show, Game of Thrones, uses elements that are unrealistic to the time period; some of these elements include dragons, magical creatures, and spells. None of these things occurred during the Middle Ages, but they are added into the show for entertainment purposes. Shows such as Game of Thrones add these elements into their plot to keep the audience intrigued and entertained throughout the season. However, with these unrealistic elements there are also elements in the show that portray realism and accuracy. Elements such as clothing, setting, and behavior of the characters can realistically portray what life was like during the Middle Ages. In season one, episode two of Game of Thrones, Ned Stark is forced to go to war with the King. Stark does have some say in whether or not he wants to go to war, but nonetheless, he feels obligated. This type of behavior would have actually occurred during the Middle Ages because lords have loyalty to their kings and queens. The setting and appearance of the characters adds another aspect of realism and makes the show more believable to the audience. In the first two episodes, the characters are …show more content…

Larping has led to medievalism use and misuse throughout the years. Larping can be very informative and helpful to communities across the world. Larping provides people with a chance to experience medieval culture and times, while interacting with friends and also bringing entertaining elements (wizards, spells, and elves) to the playing field. Larping can be a great way for people to fully emerge themselves in medieval culture because it’s so much more interactive than a movie, television show, or a game. Larping can also help spread awareness about medieval

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