Gang Graffiti Essay

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Gang graffiti has now become a strong indicator for law enforcements to know where are gangs territory is, what drugs they are selling and gang disputes that are taking place in certain neighbourhoods. Gangs have noticed that law enforcement agencies are reading their work so graffiti has also become a source of disinformation and it has been said “they can fool you with the walls as much as they try to inform you” (Ap, 1995). The establishment of boundaries and territories has been around since the beginning of gangs and they have been long disputed between gangs. What has been noticed is that on the boundaries between gang turfs that is where the most intense graffiti activity lies (Barbaro, Chayes, D’Orsogna, 2013). The reason why territory …show more content…

Street gangs are strongly place specific and their turf is never in doubt in the minds of gang and non-gang youth (Ley, Cybriwsky, 1974). Territorology, which is the since of such territorial formations has studied quite intensely the relation of gangs and territories (Mubi, 2010). There has been major critiques of the theory that graffiti is a marker of territory for gangs, because some say it is not distinguishable enough (Mubi, 2010), others say there is still not enough understanding of the markings (Lidsey and Kearns, 1994) and that gang graffiti is more about communication rather than territory (Perkins et al, 1993). Each of these critiques do make strong cases against the relationship between gangs and territories, but there has been substantial evidence proving the correlation between gang graffiti and territory. Also it is important to note that graffiti is not the sole marker of territory, gangs have been using sneakers to mark territories. Gangs usually drape a pair of sneakers that have been tied together by their laces and thrown over electrical wires (as seen in figure 5), the brand of the shoe or the colour of the laces are indicators of which gang threw the shoes (Carlie,