Gasland Pros And Cons

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The article Gasland Debunked and the documentary “Gasland” discuss the very controversial topic of “fracking.” According to the beliefs of Josh Fox, fracking is extremely dangerous to the environment and the Earth’s groundwater supply. Contrary to this, the article Gasland Debunking claims that Fox is trying to portray untrue words as facts. In the article Gasland Debunked, there are many pros to how the article was written. The way the false information was grouped together and put into certain topics that were headed, allowed the reader to better understand the reading. The headings also allowed the reader to easily find a certain false statement or search to see if a statement was untrue. Also, the exact time in the documentary when …show more content…

Fox exaggerated the truth and stretched out the misleading information to make the audience believe what he was stating. The pro to the documentary was when it showed the people’s view on fracking and what it has “done” to their land and water supply. In the documentary, there are many cons such as, Fox lying about certain laws states. Fox stated that the “2005 energy bill pushed through Congress by Dick Cheney exempts the oil and natural gas industries from Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Superfund law, and about a dozen other environmental and Democratic regulations.” The oil and gas is regulated by every one of the acts and Gasland Debunked has included a fact sheet in the article to prove this information. Also, there is no true evidence that states fracking causes flammable faucet. The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission has proven that fracking does not cause flammable faucet, there is no evidence of oil and gas that impacts the water well. The majority of the information presented in “Gasland” is false, therefore making the documentary have many …show more content…

The documentary would not have been criticised as much if Fox stated true information. Also, the documentary was very biased when stating fracking is extremely dangerous to the environment and the Earth’s groundwater supply. There is no true evidence that states the chemicals in the water come from fracking, but all that Fox states is that it comes only from fracking. Without evidence, those who believe fracking is safe can research and find that fracking chemicals are not found in well water. When there is no evidence to prove the statements, many thoughts can be interpreted. Fox should have included exact information that can be proven in order to keep from getting