Gavin Family Case Study

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Gavin describes power as the foundation family power, are resources used by family members that allow them to attempt to exert control in a specific situation (Galvin. K., 2015).There are five aspects of power used within a family. Normative resources; refer to family values and cultural or societal expectations (Galvin. K., 2015). In our family this would be the expectation of going to church. Economic resources; refer to the monetary control as the person designated to make financial decisions (Galvin. K., 2015). This could be a parent being in charge of a teenager’s money, sharing bank accounts and monitoring their spending. Affective resources; reflect commitment, nurturing and affection and the power to withhold those actions (Galvin. K., 2015). This can be very instrumental in a marriage, where one partner withholds affection or sex in an attempt to gain power. Personal resources; refer to the individual’s personality, physical appearance, and role competency (Galvin. K., 2015). A child could utilize the fact that they are responsible and always make the best decision to help influence parent’s rules. Cognitive resources; perceptions of power that family member has to influence their own and others actions (Galvin. K., 2015). This aspect of power …show more content…

The restatement was that he stop partying in college. They decided to pull his funding which is an assessment of resources. The Generation and assessment of alternatives were established with the understanding that he would not continue in his actions. His selection of the best alternative was to fund college himself. The action and implementation never happened because the parents decided that his education was more important than the problem they had with him partying. The evaluation of the problem solving, is that the parents gave an empty threat, did not follow through and changed their tolerance level of what they find as acceptable