Gender Differences Between Sex And Gender

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The study of sex and gender has been a great interest to not only psychologists but sociologists as well. Over the past few decades the definition of gender and sex have been considered as synonyms for each other. This is because the words have not been established correctly. Sex is defined as the biological and psychological characteristics that differentiate male and female. Gender is defined as a well-being influenced by social and cultural beliefs. Previously in-depth research has been done based on gender and sex differences but very few are based on the current evolutions. This essay will further look into the factors involved in differentiating sex and gender as well as further development of them.

Three main factors are involved in …show more content…

There is a constant pressure put on children for the way they behave, this in other words could be known as conditioning where boys and girls are rewarded for behaving appropriately. Few studies also revealed that gender stereotyping is linked to stress and behavior a child is weaved in rather that biological differences. However, in today’s time femininity is viewed differently, a working woman providing for her home along side a man is not criticized by society. Yet culture dwells in the human mind. This study on the first female Prime Minister of Australia proves how socially negative judgments were made, emphasizing on gender stereotyping, due to her gender ( Sorrentino, J., & Augoustinos, M., …show more content…

This involves same-sex attraction and with further research and linking it to assumptions of (Freud, 1905) that every individual is blessed with bisexuality which is biological as well as psychological, Sometimes further developing into homosexuality; they often have trouble in gender identity due to social and cultural effects. As a child reinforcement of male or female like behavior is incorporated therefore when attracted to the same-sex they face complex issues in gender identity. Also acceptance by peers and family plays a very important role in this case, a study conducted on 1518 students in Amsterdam and Netherlands confirms that acceptance of same-sex attraction plays an important role in gender conformity. (Collier, K. L., Bos, H. M. W., Merry, M. S., & Sandfort, T. G. M.,