Gender Differences In The Civil Rights Movement

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Much has changed in the world, we live in a time where rapid change is not abnormal—it is consistent in our daily lives. The United States of America is an example, within the last couple of centuries the United States went through change after change; during both the eighteenth and nineteenth century, slavery was common among American citizens, which ironically the majority of American citizens were Caucasian. During this time, slaves were Africans and by having a different skin color than whites, Africans were categorized as a lesser being; by being categorized as a lesser race, Africans were not given the same rights in comparison to American citizens of the time—which were Caucasians. However, after years of being discriminated, Africans and other minority groups began to unite in hopes that one day they can end discrimination and become American citizens. In addition to racial discrimination, there was a gender gap between male and females; similar to African, females began to demand the same rights and responsibilities men had. …show more content…

However, what caused these issues to be resolved? Who were the composers of such change in our ways of life? In the 1920’s, the United States went through a political and social movement, which was later named the Civil Rights Movement. This movement was a chance to demolish all discrimination, have a clear basis of the rights and responsibilities of American citizens, and to voice ones opinion in hopes of being heard. The Civil Rights Movement can be seen as a beacon of hope for people, this was a time where war is not an issue, and people are open to the ideas of: change and innovation; this movement can be labeled as the reason why we have equality and live in a world we live in