Causes Of Domestic Violence Against Women

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Domestic violence has become more seriously and international problem nowadays. Domestic violence is intentional intimidation, physical assault, sexual assault, threats, force and psychological abuse (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015). Indeed, wife assault has accounted for the largest part in domestic violence. In Australia, there was 85% of women experience assaults in 2012 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015). In US, a one-third of women and a quarter of men have been abused by intimate partner (NCADV 2015). In Hong Kong, the numbers of women are five times the numbers of men in newly reported spouse/cohabitant battering cases in every year from 2004 to 2015 (Social Welfare Department 2015; Women’s Commission …show more content…

In a wide variety of communities and countries, both Western and non-Western, including Arab, Israel, South Africa and Australia, the attitudes toward gender roles are the main reason about women stay in such relationship (Flood & Pease 2009). Some studies have focused on the racial and ethnic differences and leave abusive relationships in the process. They found that black women are more likely to stay in violent relationships than white women. Also, other found that Latinos battered women returned to their abuser often than non-Latino white women. Women of color felt that they had responsibility to keep family completely (Lacey, Saunders & Zhang 2011). In Western and other cultures, the perception of the legitimacy of men’s violence is built up from beliefs with a long history (Stration 2002). Men should be the dominant in both household and intimate relationship and have the right to execute their power by physical punishment. Also, men have uncontrollable sexual impulse while women are malicious and deceptive, and the marriage is the guarantee of sexual consent (Flood & Pease 2009). Western culture of men’s violence is similar to Chinese culture. Besides the strong sense of importance on men, the family name and honor are also important, because family well-being is determinate a family which is good or bad. Therefore, Chinese women are …show more content…

Since the strongest predictive factor of violence against women is male has a high level control of the socioeconomic decision-making, abused women difficult to leave abusive relationships are directly related to the lack of employment and lack of self-financing (McDonough 2010). There is a relationship between economic and social disadvantages that result in high risks of violence and crime in intimate partners in western’s studies (People 2005). Nevertheless, the early experiences of violence are also shaping the child 's personality development, may suppress behavior control, adaptive social skills, compassion (Lacey, Saunders & Zhang 2011). The children 's experiences and the relationship between the witness and commit violence between adults may reflect a process of cultural transmission that learnt from generation to generation. Therefore, women may shape that men violence women are acceptable due to their experience of childhood. Also the degree of emotional attachment or commitment to women 's relationship also decided to stay in or leave violent relationships (Lacey, Saunders & Zhang 2011). The longer length with abusive partners, women would maintain the hope that their violence would stop rather than to leave. In other way, having children in the relationship would make the problem in complicate. If women leave, no one support to their children, worried