Social Class System Analysis

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Social class system stratified people and it reflects the ways of their living. The system are categories into Upper Class, Middle Class, Working Class and Under Class which laddered up from Under Class to Upper Class. However, it is difficult to do the classification of individuals into socioeconomic classes require to average variety characteristics because of the vagueness and arbitrary of determining one’s social state. Hunt and Colander (2011) defined social class are group of people with common economic status, attitudes and beliefs, education attainments, lifestyle, the regards in which others hold them, and their power or lack of power to influence community affairs. Based on their judgment, social class is like a subculture. Superiority …show more content…

Sense of belonging to a social class is intense as it become like a culture of that particular social class. Socioeconomic status of a person may be affected by their education, occupation and income and sometimes it’s inherited from their family (Hunt & Colander, 2011). People with higher socioeconomic status owns greater purchasing power than those with lower socioeconomic status which also mean that they own better access to the education, occupation, infrastructure and power, and they also have higher income than those who is in the lower classes.
Meanwhile, health is defined as a “requirement for fitness to earn a living, to attract a mate and to raise children, indeed for the life itself: it is a special good that you cannot do without” by Rajakumar (2007). While, World Health Organization (WHO), described health as the “a state of complete physical, mental, and social being, and not merely the absence of disease infirmity. Access to health care can be understood as the ability to get necessary health care. In this context, we want to relate between the social class of women and their …show more content…

As cited by Chee and Barraclough in their book, gender inequalities and stratification of social class manifested the lack access to health care of the women in the developed countries. This is due to the women’s low status, control over the resource, subordination and lack of power (Ojanuga and Gilbert 1992; Ojikie 1994; Lewallen and Courtright 2002). Based on this judgment, capital is the key for having the best health care. However, differences and inequalities in social classes causes the women that falls into the lower class faced barriers in seeking a quality health. But, as for the women with high social class, they can have the best care for their health because they have capitals. The effects of this inequalities results lack of nutrition, poor pre-natal care, closely spaced childbearing, infectious diseases and high maternal mortality. Moreover, women with lower social class unable to afford health insurance which causes them to be burden with high medical bills when they try to get access to health