
Essay On Gender Equality In Azerbaijan

948 Words4 Pages

Murad Gurbanov
Instructor: Vusal Mammadrzayev
Assignment: Research Proposal Data
Lack of the participation or gender inequality of women in policy
Azerbaijan has a lot of scientific areas, most of which have gender equality and equal diversity in different sciences. There is one scientific area that does not grab attention of women and gender diversity draw the attention. While people are satisfied with policy conducted by continuous government of Azerbaijan, most of the women have complaints and require the political quality in Azerbaijan to be improved. Since policy is one of the essential science to be learnt to people, the quality of policy of country should be improved and maintained
Research Objectives
The goal of this research is to analyze and understand the reasons behind women’s interest or lack of empowerment and participation at politics in Azerbaijan. The study will also focus on innovative ideas and possible solutions targeted at improving participation or empowerment of women with political science in global national politics. This study is important in terms of several aspects. First, the findings of this …show more content…

The paper emphasizes several essential reasons for gender discrimination against females such as patriarchy or domination of men, ignorance of females at political field, lack of opportunities for job, less government spending for female representation in politics. It is observed that a thorough political consideration or concern such as institutional and program levels should assist to increase the political participation of women that would be achievement in decreasing of gender discrimination exists in political arena. In any case, females face frequently inequalities at home, working, and generally in

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