Gender Minority Adolescents

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This study will be looking for male and female participants between the ages of 14-18 from all socioeconomic statuses. The participants will be both gender minority and cisgender. One limitation of studying the gender minority youth is the challenge of gathering a large enough sample size. In the hopes to gather a large sample, this study will work with referrals from the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network (GLSEN). To gather a sample of gender minority youth nationwide, emails will be sent out through GLSEN’s distribution list and also by publicizing the surveys through targeted advertisement on popular social media sites; such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. In both the email and social media advertisements, …show more content…

The dichotomous variables will be represented by the percentage of adolescents having answered the predetermined response(s) of interest (ROI). An example can be found with the question asking, during the past 12 months, how many times did you actually attempt suicide? Adolescents who answer the ROI(s) will be in the numerator; answers that demonstrate attempts of suicide 1+ times in the last 12 months (choices B, C, D, E). The denominator will be all students who completed the question (answering either A, B, C, D, E). Adolescents must provide legitimate data to be included in any dichotomous variable calculations. Therefore, adolescents with omitted responses will not be included. Participants who self-report experiencing depression, substance use, or suicide ideation will be categorized as having experienced negative health effects; those not reporting negative health effects in any of these areas will be categorized as not having experienced such effects (CDC, …show more content…

Goldblum et al., also discovered in their study that students who were among the transgender population did not feel safe going to school because of their gender expression or identity. Furthermore, when comparing participants who reported they had experienced bullying/harassment versus those that didn’t, those that felt they were victims were almost four times more likely to attempt