Gender Roles And Girls Education In The 1500's

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The age of human existence brought along clear and defined gender roles. In early years, men were hunters and women were gatherers. This led to women (and girls) having lower status in the family. They tended to be looked at as obedient and completely domestic. Men were expected to be masculine and had authorities as the superior gender. Because of these ideas and values, girls did not need to attend school with the boys. Their jobs were strictly in the home, therefore girls education was very rarely taken serious. The 1900’s brought a new wave of thoughts about the difference in education. However, even now some people question the ‘equality’ between boys and girls education. In the early 1500’s, religion played a huge in everyday …show more content…

Educating a girl has lasting and important effects on the individual, the family, and the community around. Providing a young girl with the right to an education creates a positive cycle of development that closes the gap of gender equality. As of 2015, only sixty-nine percent of countries have reaches gender parity in primary school enrollment. Educating girls have powerful impacts on the economy as well as the family itself. For example, just one percent increase in the number of women who completed secondary education could raise a country’s economic growth by three-tenths of a percentage. Furthermore, increasing girl’s education reduces infant as well as maternal mortality because there are less likely to give birth as teenagers and are able to find better healthcare for themselves and their children. Also, if all women had a secondary education, early births could fall by fifty-nine percent, and mortality for children under five would fall by forty-nine percent. Finally, an educated mother is more likely to send her own children to …show more content…

Girls like Malala are fighting for their everyday right to go to school. In 2012, Pakistan reduced its education budget to less than two and three-tenths percent. Along with this fact, Pakistan at the time had the second largest number of out-of-school girls in the world. This is because the traditional culture in society calls for women to stay in the home. A news reporter interviewed a little girl name Huma on what she thinks about her education and to reflect on what happened to Malala and many other girls like her trying to pursue an education. “Huma hopes the global outcry over the attack on Malala will change the outlook of the people who run her troubled world, and that they will ensure all the girls like Malala, like herself, can go to school — and stay there.” This problem is not just happening in Pakistan. Girls all around the world were- and still are- being deprived of an