Gender Equality And Sustainable Development

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It is important to link gender equality and sustainable development for a number of reasons. How can we achieve a sustainable future, and reach our development goals if half of the world’s population has their rights, capabilities and dignity ignored? Women’s knowledge should be used to help achieve these goals, they should be viewed as central actors, not victims. Furthermore, to be effective, policy actions for sustainability must redress the disproportionate impact on women and girls of economic, social and environmental shocks and stresses. The lives of girls and women have changed dramatically over the past quarter century. There has been progress, today, more girls and women are literate than ever before, and in a third of developing countries, there are more girls in school than boys. Women now make up over 40 percent of the global labour force. In some areas, however, progress toward gender equality has been limited—even in developed countries. Girls and women who are poor, live in remote areas, are disabled, or belong to minority groups continue to lag behind. Too many girls and women are still dying in childhood and in the reproductive ages. Women still fall behind in earnings and productivity, and in the strength of their voices in society. In some areas, such as education, there is now a gender gap to the disadvantage of men and boys. Gender inequality is seen at the very highest level, with women underrepresented in government decision making positions. Women

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