Speech On Women Empowerment

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ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN THROUGH GOVERNMENTAL SCHEMES -An overview of Indian Scenario ABSTRACT The empowerment of women is one of the central issues in the process of development of countries all over the world. The International Women’s Day celebrated on 8th march every year has become a day of demonstration for equal opportunity and solidarity. But the question arises how relevant is celebration of Women’s Day in view of the fact that their position in the society has not changed much. They are still treated as the ‘weaker sex’ who needs to be protected entire life-be it by her father, husband or son. The ‘New Age Women’ and the ‘Women of Substance’ in true terms are just words in books. Women constitute about half of the total population of country but they suffer from many disadvantages as compared to men in terms of literacy rates, labour participation rates earnings. Social, economic and political empowerment is the need of the day, as it is one only surest way of making women “equal partners in development”. The strategy adopted for the programmes in the areas of women development involves empowerment of women through education and awareness generation and greater emphasis on vocational training and employment so as to enable them to enter the mainstream of economic development as equal partners. In its capacity as the nodal Ministry, the Ministry of Women and Child Development seeks to promote economic empowerment of women through policies and programmes