Gender Roles In The Aztec Empire

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HW 11
Jingshu Meng
The Aztec imperial authorities employed an indirect rule by collecting “quarterly tribute payments” from the local dynasties. In other words, the elites controlled the economy by collecting tributes from commoners. However, there was barely any evidence that shows elites’ control over the market or craft production. The large amount of decorated foreign ceramics, obsidian blades and bronze goods excavated from Capilco and Cuexcomate indicated farmers access to marketplace without imperial control (Smith 2005, 94). It is noteworthy that although elites did have more and finer collection of foreign goods in their houses, they didn’t have exclusive access to any particular kind of artifact(Smith 2005, 94). As for craft production, …show more content…

Whatsmore, the imperial authorities owned lands and had “monopolized power within city-states”(Smith 2005, 97). Although the Aztec empire had economic and political control over its people, it doesn’t always result in ideological dominance. The increase female figurine collections from Huexotla and Xaltocan suggested changing ideologies concerning gender roles. Aztec monumental sculptures showed obvious male-dominant ideology where they sculpted mutilated women to represent subjugation of its enemies(Brumfiel 1996, 156). The colossal statue of Coatlicue showed a decapitated woman and the relief of Coyolxauhqui from the Templo Mayor showed a naked woman whose limbs were separated (Brumfiel 1996, 156). Both of these images showed misogynous ideology in Aztec official ideologies. The ideology of male-dominance can also be found in Aztec manuscript paintings where goddesses were depicted holding shields, showing that maleness is the only way to power (Brumfiel 1996, 157). Such sexist ideologies of Aztec officials were opposed by the popular images of females. Popular figurines of females are mostly in standing position rather than kneeling poses found in official images. Moreover, they also hold children in their arms, indicating fertility and