
Gender Roles In The Miracle Worker

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The movie ‘The Miracle Worker’ is about Ann Sullivan teaching Helen Keller to communicate . Both ladies have had to struggle with language because of their blindness . This movie goes through many topics that we learned in class . Some example terms are law of effect , shaping , and gender roles . Gender roles and gender identity is seen throughout the movie . Even in the most subtle ways it is shown to us who is feminine, masculine, and who identifies with it . Gender roles can be defined as attitudes that define your “maleness” or “femalenes s.” Helen is a little girl, so they make her wear a dress every day, just like all other female characters in this movie . The only toy that interests Helen are dolls which are seen as a feminine toy . Captian is male so he must show his masculinity by being in charge of the household . On his own, he had to get Helen help because it is seen like his responsibility . Captain, in my opinion , unnecessary went down the ladder with Ann to save her from the locked room . Ann could have gone down by herself, but he made her look like a damsel in distress . Gender identity means your individual identity as male or female . All character’s identity are what they were born with male or female . …show more content…

Another social issue shown in the movie was ingroup and outgroup . Ingroup is when people bond over a quality that is shared, like age, gender or ethnicity . In the movie, there is an example of ingroup the family all let’s Helen have tantrums . They give her her way because

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