Gender Stereotypes In The Film Enough

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I watched a film called “Enough” which it’s main character is Slim, or better known as Jennifer Lopez. Slim (Jennifer Lopez) marries Mitch and had a child together. Eventually Slim found out that Mitch has been having an affair with a French woman named Darcelle. Slim threatens Mitch to leave which enraged Mitch that caused him to becomes violent, slapping and punching her in the face. He gives her a warning, saying that he makes the money and gets to do whatever he likes. Series of abuse between Mitch and Slim that eventually caused Slim to go on a run to Seattle. One of Mitch 's wingman found Slim in a house that she purchased and Mitch decided to travel and meet Slim. After Slim discovering Mitch in her hallway, she flees after tussling with him and applying pepper spray to be able to get a head start. Slim sent Gracie to Hawaii with her friend to be out of …show more content…

Predatory, Intraspecies, Fear-induced, and Pain-induced. In this case, it is not exactly killing over another person or animal to establish dominance but when Mitch is starting to chase after Slim by using predatory tactics that caused her to be scared for herself and her daughter. Intraspecies is defined as male aggression whereas Mitch showed enormous aggression towards Slim that he almost controls her because he is wealthy. Hence he is fighting over her because he can have sex with other girls and expect Slim to be ok with it. Fear-induced is when slim feels frightened for the life of herself and her daughter, Grace when Mitch and his men went after her. Pain-Induced is when both parties are physically harming and abusing each other, except Slim started to be physical to Mitch and his men on the end. Predatory resulted in the end of the film where Slim took on Krav Maga courses to defend herself knowing with the intention of either killing him or defending herself for future