Clinical Nursing Practice

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An Assignment
Presented in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Course

A literature review that critically debates the current evidence in relation to two clinical nursing Problem from your area of nursing practice (general nursing)

INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Sasha Samaroo-Burgos

Tracey Williams

19TH October 2017


Conduct a literature review that critically debates the current evidence in relation to two clinical nursing problem from your area of nursing practice (General nursing)

Patricia’s Benner …show more content…

A sound educational foundation expedites the acquisition of skills through experience (Benner, 1984). Without background knowledge, nurses risk using poor judgment and lack the tools necessary to learn from experience.
Theory and principles enable nurses to ask the right questions to hone in on patient problems to provide safe care and make good clinical decisions. Bonner 's (2003) research on nephrology nurses showed expert and non-expert nurses differed based on types of learning opportunities
(both formal and informal) rather than years of experience. In a literature review on the relationship between nursing education and practice, Kovner and Schore (1998) reported mixed findings regarding whether and in what ways bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) prepared nurses ' skills and abilities differ from those of associate degree and diploma-prepared nurses.
The collective education level of staff may impart a unique contribution to the development of expertise in the clinical setting. Few researchers have focused directly on the aggregate educational composition of the staff with whom a nurse practices as a factor affecting individual clinical nursing expertise. There are, however, examples where researchers have examined …show more content…

In this way, the model must be adapted to fit the needs of individual patients.
The environmental factors affect different patients unique to their situations and illnesses, and the nurse must address these factors on a case-by-case basis in order to make sure the factors are altered in a way that best cares for an individual patient and his or her needs.

Workload expectations of nurses in today’s health care settings often exceed staffing levels and capacity. (32) In addition, their work environments are characterized by higher levels of patient/client acuity, a more sophisticated public with respect to care expectations, augmented use of technology-based interventions, a plethora of new evidence that affects care, and a more complex, interdependent and diverse health care team. These factors all contribute to an ever more stressful and unpredictable environment for the entire health care team, including nurses.
The comprehensive nature of nursing roles has added further challenges that have made staffing allocation or decisions about the optimal number of nurses required to meet

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