Generalized Anxiety Disorders: A Case Study

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder People suffering from generalized anxiety disorder suffer from a number of symptoms, (Comer, 2014) explains they may feel “restless, keyed up, or on edge; tire easily; have difficulty concentrating; suffer from muscle tension; and have sleep problems” (p.98). These symptoms usually last for weeks, and have to be of such intensity, that it disrupts daily activities. An unsubstantiated fear of losing a job, can cripple a usually productive employee to the point that they are afraid to aggressively preform their task, and it therefore reduces their activities to safe, barely minimum requirements, and stifles creativity. Anxiety can also disrupt family life, by not traveling, or taking vacations, because of the fear of tragedy striking, even though there is no risk of danger. Diagnostic criteria from the (DSM-5, 2013) general anxiety disorder as follows: A) Excessive anxiety and worry…occurring more days than not for at least 6 months… B) The individual finds it difficult to control the worry. C) The anxiety and worry are associated with three (or more) of the following six symptoms…1) Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge. 2) being easily fatigued. 3) Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank.