
Genesis 1-11 Research Papers

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In reading Genesis 1-11 (NIV), one can find several different major events in a very few amount of pages. Genesis speaks of the creation of everything. Genesis speaks of mans’ disobedience to God. Genesis speaks of God’s punishment of man. Genesis speaks of God’s promise to send a redeemer.
Genesis explains that God spoke and the Universe, the Earth, animals, plants, and man were created. After God had Adam (man) name all of the animals, he realized that Adam needed a partner so he created Eve (woman) out of Adam’s rib to be by his side, his partner in life. God commanded all of his creations to be fruitful and multiply.
Man disobeyed God’s one rule which was not to eat from a certain tree; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Both Adam and Eve attempted to blame their disobedience on someone else. God made man’s work more difficult, and gave Eve the burden of painful childbirth. God punished man, but he also promised a redeemer that would come to save man from their disobedience. …show more content…

The separation and disobedience continues throughout generations. God grew extremely upset with man and decided to rid the earth of wickedness. God told Noah to build an ark, to take his family and two of every living creature in the world into the ark. God then sent a flood that destroyed all living things on earth. This allowed a rebirth of nature, and Noah and his family were told to spread throughout the Earth. God continued with his promises or covenants with man, he promised a redeemer that would be born of the woman, and man still continues to have to work harder to have the things that he

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