Genesis Vs Bible

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The book of the Genesis is a significant book to the rest of Scripture because it lays the foundation for many of the doctrines and promises of God contained in the complete Word of God. Although some may argue that many of the accounts described in the book should not be interpreted literally, it is clear from the context of Scripture that the stories are not allegorical. Since the Genesis accounts are literal, the book’s readers can depend on the validity of the rest of the Bible as a result. Everything in the book of Genesis, and the Bible as a whole, is applicable today. For instance, there are those that deny the existence of the nation of Israel. However, because of God’s Word, we have the history of the Israelites recorded for eternity. …show more content…

Although, there are a variety of stories to choose from that are significant, one that sticks out is found in Genesis 22. This chapter covers the story of when God tested Abraham by commanding him to sacrifice his son Isaac. While this particular story itself does not significantly have much bearing on the rest of the Bible as it is only mentioned one other time (Hebrews 11:17), the location of this event does. The test of Abraham takes place on Mount Moriah. This is also the site of the Temple and Calvary. This mountain is the place where King David offered a sacrifice to stop the death angel after he counted the people. The test of Abraham also tells about certain characteristics of God that can be seen throughout Scripture, and it gives an example of a faith-filled man. This story is a reminder that although God may ask people to do things that seem unreasonable, they can trust Him to do what is best for