
Genetic Engineering In E. Hinton's Flowers For Algernon

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Genetic Engineering it's what allows people order designer babies! Also, it

allows doctors to make people see again when they are blind, but all of this comes with consequences. The book flowers for Algernon is a book that talks about how doctors play god by making a person named Charlie and a mouse named Algernon smarter. This is like genetic engineering because they make people smarter by playing god in the book but genetic engineers play god by doing things with people's genes to make them "better humans". This is proving that genetic engineering is sometimes good for people but it's not all good it can cause death, injury, birth defects, and much more.

Genetic engineering can also change crops genes to make them grow faster. …show more content…

Also, if we make things genetically changed they will mess up the natural order of the environment. "Human genetic engineering is coming. Science is about to solve some of the worst problems that can happen to people: cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Alzheimer's and the many other devastating results that can come out of the random genetic lottery that is reproduction. But that power means we are also about to set the bar on what it means to be a person and have a productive life. What will the society of the future think needs repairing? If we “fix” blindness will we also “fix” deafness? What about baldness or being short? The changes that a genetically engineered species would make on the environment of a region are unpredictable. Just like an exotic species, the release of a new genetically engineered species would also have the possibility of causing an imbalance in the ecology of a region. An accident or an unknown result could present several problems. An accident in engineering the genetics of a virus or bacteria could result in a stronger type, which, if released, could start a serious epidemic. Even worse, accidents in human genetic engineering could cause problems ranging from minor medical problems, to death. Genetic engineering could also create unknown side effects or outcomes. Certain changes in a plant or animal could cause unpredicted allergic reactions in some people which, in its original form, did not occur. Other changes could make an organism toxic to humans or other organisms." This shows that Genetic Engineering can cause health problems and maybe even death some changes might be toxic to humans and animals and changes that the genetically changed species can make an imbalance in the ecology of a region this can be fatal or harming to the people or animals in the environment. Also, this means we are doing stuff to help people who actually need it but

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