The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Engineering

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With new technology and advancing sciences, genetic engineering is on the road to major developments and studies pertaining to human genomes. In order to edit genomes, scientists must use precise tools and methods, like CRISPR, to insert, replace, delete, or modify genes in DNA. One strand of CRISPR’s specialized DNA works with a Cas-9 enzyme that acts like molecular scissors yo naturally recognize virus DNA when it enters a bacterial cell and destroys it with its own associated proteins. By taking control of this bacterial cell organelle, however, scientists can provide the guide. Scientists use CRISPR and its special enzyme because the overall method has the potential to correct genetic defects, treat and prevent the spread of diseases, and …show more content…

For example, many fear that with the advancing technology and developments, scientists will soon be able to gene sequence the entire genome of embryos to the point where the parents will be able to customize a “designer baby”. In one such instance, a stem cell biologist at Harvard Medical School, George Daley, said, “Traits governed by a small number of genes would be the most straightforward to manipulate, such as muscularity, eye color, height, and memory” ( ). Though giving a child desired characteristics and improvements seems ideal and significantly beneficial to him or her, humanity ceases to exist when the result goes against the natural way organisms were made to be. Choosing the way in which a child will grow into will also take a sense of belonging away from its parents. There also isn’t enough research done in order to ensure the safety of this process, so increasing the quality of one trait may drastically affect another. Secondly, genetically modifying humans to be more immune to illnesses and cure of disease, will ultimately increase their lifespans and the lifespans of generations to come. Though at first this seems like a relief to think a desire most people have once wished upon could perceive to be true, the article, “How Many People Can Our World Support?” knocks down the idea, stating, “Once the carrying capacity is reached, humans will outnumber the resources available and drastic changes in population will occur” ( ). Disease and illness are placed into the world to maintain the increasing population, balancing its growth with the number of deaths. When the population surpasses the rate at which it can survive off Earth’s limited amount of resources, however, all