Genghis Khan Guilty Essay

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Guilty or not? The fate of Genghis Khan lay in the hands of the people. Both the prosecution and defense had compelling arguments on the leadership of Khan. The first person that made a compelling argument from the prosecution side was philosopher Ibn al Athir, which was portrayed by Dylan. The testimony of the Ibn al Athir touched on the ethical response to the mass killing and religious tolerance during Khan’s rule. The prosecution presented the evidence well on this person specifically because they attacked Khan on religion, which was smart because Khan was known for religious tolerance but the way the evidence was presented showed he purposely only targeted Muslims. During his testimony, he also said the mass killing was unethical and that …show more content…

Khan was one of the most religiously tolerant rulers in history. He allowed people from different backgrounds enter his kingdom and hold high roles in the government. For example, Rashid al-Din was a Muslim historian who served in a high administration and documented the history of the empire. Another person was Marco Polo, a Christian, who served in the court of Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, for 17 years. Both these men came from different religious backgrounds but still played a significant role in the Mongol empire. In history, it can be seen that people expanded their territory by killing and taking over different areas of land. Gaining more land showed a position of high power and authority. Although Khan conquered and killed he wasn’t an unfair ruler because he gave everyone a chance to join his empire. Khan displayed loyalty by putting the lives of his followers above everyone else. He only killed the other people because if he didn’t fight back he would’ve been killed along with his followers. Lastly, Khan encouraged trade throughout his society. He encouraged trade all over Eurasia and built roads to help extend his rule and help the economy. As said in the trial Khan allowed for effective communication along trade routes and allowed the merchants to feel safe.