Genie Research Paper

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Genie, 13 years old, was found tied to a potty training chair in 1970 severely neglected and physically, mentally, and socially underdeveloped. Anna, 6 years old, was kept in a store room tied to a chair that was too small for her, barely fed, and never bathed. Just like Genie, she has been physically, mentally, and socially underdeveloped due to the severe nature of her neglect when she was found in 1940. Most recently, Danielle Crockett, 7 years old, was found in 2007 locked in her room and kept away from human interaction, starved, and unbathed. Like the others, she was mentally and socially underdeveloped. Dani was the focus of the article that I read, The Girl 10 Years Later on which was written on November, 29th 2017. After …show more content…

The first story I ever heard was Genie’s story. I’ve never cried in a classroom until I heard her story. When Genie was born her father hated her so he locked her in a dark room and wouldn’t allow anyone in the family to talk to her. She was strapped to either her crib or potty chair until she was 13 years old when she was discovered. These stories are what have driven me towards wanting to work with children when I get older, whether it’s as a teacher or as a social worker, because I never want a child to have to go through something like …show more content…

When we were learning about this, we learned about how prominent neglect was in the types of abuse. Even though this may be an extreme example of how hazardous neglect may be for a child’s physical and mental well-being, it is a good example of the effects neglect may have. Also, in future lessons, we may learn about developmental milestones, most of which involve social interaction. Since Dani was deprived of almost all social interaction growing up you can tell that she hasn’t hit those developmental milestones that she should’ve met when she was younger. You can see how not meeting these milestones by a certain age can be, in a way, detrimental to the rest of the development that a person may undergo. In Dani’s case, she was unable to meet a lot of social milestones while growing up so she is very stand-offish and doesn’t speak