
Negative Effects Of Child Abuse

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Do you know that the UNICEF statistics said that there is almost 3,500 children die from neglect or from physical abuse under the age of 15? According to McDonald (2009), around 15.5 million American children live in households in which intimate partner violence has occurred during the past year. From this statistic we can see how frequently the children abuse occurs. (Roberts, Campbell, Ferguson,and. Crusto, 2013 ). Child abuse influences many children around the world either from emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and domestic violence. Even children seeing or witnessing abuse suffer considerable harm. Children have rights like anyone else and should be free from exploitation and abuse. Child abuse has many negative impacts …show more content…

According to Longman dictionary "neglect is pay not enough attention to, or ignore ''.The primary caregiver includes many things that can be affect the children’s behavior, and health during early childhood, such as caregiver’s age, the big age difference can make a gap between the child and the parent, and make the parent more violent and aggressive with their children, and also the parents who are very young and lack of experience of taking care for children are more likely to neglect child's need. For example; teenage parent or single parent never learned the skills necessary for good parenting. On the other hand we can look at the caregiver’s marital status, if the couple have problem in their marriage that may inflict their children emotionally. or if the they are separated, this can make violence between the parents and their children, because of stressors. Third, their education level, there are many parents that did not complete their study after high school or even did not complete the high school. And also their employment status and their overall health affect their way in treating their children. ( English ,D, Marshall ,B , and Stewart, A, …show more content…

Some support for parents and children can be the best way to prevent child abuse. With like after-school activities, mentoring programs, parent education classes, and respite care are some of the many ways to keep children safe from harm. Also we can teach the children their right, and make them know that they are special and have the right to be safe, and to taught them that being abused is not their fault and they must report the offender. Children are the seeds of today and the flowers of the future; we must take care of our future flowers in order to have a bright

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