Genocide In The Americas Essay

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Genocide in the Americas During the 1500s many different european governments tried to colonize the Americas.
Because of this, many of the natives in the area were killed whether by sword or by disease. During this colonization around 50% of natives died in a manner that some would come to call genocide, however I believe it was not genocide. The deaths of these natives was not genocide because their deaths in many cases were not intentional, the europeans tried to help natives, and they were given a choice. When talking about genocide, it is usually seen as a government or group trying to rid the world of another group whether it is because of skin color, race, political views, or religion. What many european nations did was far from genocide …show more content…

For example, after the Spaniards saw how many people were dying in the Indies due to disease such as smallpox, they decided to make a program to help them. This program was called the encomienda system. Although this system was based in slavery and resulted in the deaths of many natives, it shows that the Spanish had to intent to kill all natives in the area. Many Spanish officials also expressed their worry for the natives, for example Spanish official Casteñada wrote to the king, “The Indians of this province are becoming extinct, and if something is not done quickly, there will be none left in four years.” Not only does this show that a member of Spanish society is worried about natives, but it also shows that it is expressed to the highest level of Spanish government, the king. This quotation is an excellent example of how european colonists, or at least Spanish colonist, did not want to exterminate natives. As for other european colonists they may have intentionally killed natives, but it was all for the sake of expanding their empire, and their killing were not based in racism or prejudice against natives. In fact, most of the natives were given a choice to assimilate into european