Relationship Between Europeans And Native Americans

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European immigrants to North America or the “New World” heavily burdened the Native Americans. The relationship between both the invading Europeans and the indigenous people was that many historical events, which would shape this country. Native Americans would be forced from their lands and their own beliefs. Firstly, the Spanish came and proclaimed North American as their new land, New Spain. Starting with parts of South America (Brazil), the Spanish would go on to also conquer parts of North American. This was all with permission from the Spanish monarchy, which would allow the conquistadors permission to explore and plunder whatever they discovered. As the Spanish conquistadors did explore and plunder they took riches and lands from the local population and would too encourage them to become Christians. This would go further with Catholic missionaries working rigorously in order to attempt to turn the Native Americans Catholic. They believed that God guided them to these lands in order to have them abandoned their old beliefs and accepted Christianity in order to save their souls. Obviously, religion played an influence in dealing with the Native Americans after conquering them. The missionaries work was not successful as most of the native people would continue to practice their own beliefs, …show more content…

Most were would become servants for the Spanish, with the Spanish abusing them and coercing them to be overworked. Even some missionaries would become concerned over the mistreatment of the Native Americans, however this did not cause them to cease their actions. It did however cause a few changes in their practices. The Spanish would continue their conquest over these people due to the mass riches they gained from it and would even go on to blame the Native Americans for fighting their