George Washington Biography Essay

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“ The Constitution is a guide which I will never will abandon.” George Washington . George Washington is well known for his leadership and the great things he has done for America. Over the course of his career as the Commander of the Continental Army and president , he became an iconic figure in America, not only for fighting the British for independence , but for setting many precedents for future Presidents. He also also was the president of the Constitutional Convention. George Washington, America’s first and most cherished president, had both hands in slavery and his highly respected fight for freedom and justice for all.

“ As the nation celebrates the fourth of July , historians are recalling little - known history facts, …show more content…

felt no qualms about following along the same slaveholding path taken by his father, by his relatives and by virtually every other man of wealth and stares whom he knew and respected.” Dennis Pogue. At age 11 , Washington inherited 10 slaves from his father . Washington’s slaves worked hard on the plantations and grill mill. By the age of 22 he owned a total of 36 slaves. Washington held in bondage over 300 slaves , who, after his death (except for one) received their freedom only after his wife, Martha , had died. During the early 1766’s Washington veered away from the staple crop system based on tobacco production, and turned to cultivating cereal grains . In an attempt to achieve a self-sufficient plantation , and pay of his debts. “ Washington took a series of bold measures to stem the tide of debt and place his plantation of a firmer financial footing.” - (5) Pogue. Wheat became his new cash crop. The cultivation of wheat had a dramatic effect on Washington’s labor needs. “ Gone were the many labor- intensive tasks related to growing tobacco”- Pogue. Reducing human labor required.” He would no longer require large numbers of slaves to support himself. This in turn, would allow him to set free the slaves that he owned” (9) Which could possibly be a reason why Washington decided to free his