The Gestalt Theory

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variables which work in a pattern. However, the models show some links that though being distant in the environment, affects the system in consideration. Behaviour of those distant variables lead to unforeseen consequences for the system and the system exhibit an emergent property. For example, Gestalt theory aptly puts forth a theory of unpredicted and unintended. The aim of a painter may not necessarily be perceived correctly by the observer. This occurs as an unintended consequence of the object made with respect to the external entity, canvas space in case of gestalt illustration. Source: Yolles suggest that an emergent property is a result of the …show more content…

Any scientific physical growth is a result of deliberate or natural chemical changes. However, these changes are outcomes of an intended intervention in case of experiments and developmental processes, but there can as well be a presence of unintended characteristics of attitude; something that is complex to perceive before the change of state. Let’s consider an example of a person who is asked to answer certain questions about his actions in a hypothetical situation. Most of the times the hypothetical situation is devoid of its surrounding circumstances. Hence it is always difficult to answer correctly with respect to what the person would do in the actual situation if such a situation arises. We can view two areas of analysis: one is the self and the other being the environment. As the self is continuously changing and evolving, it is hard to predict which side the evolved self has moved. A murderer would either become saintly or continue his skills of murdering people. In both the cases there is an evolved self. One is an evolved killing skill while the other is an evolved ethical conviction. This, thus evolved skill of killing is manifestation of certain psychological constructs. The mental model of the person which bears the possible effects of traumatic and deprived life, warped convictions, …show more content…

It could be understood as two individuals, who would either become friendly or be at conflicting levels or even just stay inert and non-reactive. The combination of the mental models of individuals produce emergent properties. This emergent property is the product of two individual’s characteristics which are either implicitly dominant or implicitly less-dominant. Or it may be explicitly dominant or explicitly less-dominant. Most often it is the more dominant characteristic of the person which become an obvious magnet for others. Although in the process of interaction it may as well be the hidden or less-dominant characteristics that come into play with the corresponding complementing hidden or less-dominant characteristics of the other