Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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After analyzing the speech, the “Gettysburg Address”, it is evident that President Abraham Lincoln attempts to communicate the theme of unity to the audience. Lincoln reflects how the founding fathers had built a new nation, and how it is his duty, as well as citizens, to uphold the union. As Lincoln advocates the words of the Declaration of Independence, he analyzes the previous actions of the United States after they had faced The Battle of Gettysburg. While he preaches to his citizens, he advises them on specific components that are necessary when preparing for the civil war. The way in which he does this is through his unique use of language. Throughout the speech, Lincoln elaborates on the mindset and demeanor each citizen should maintain when facing a dilemma such as war. While doing this, he utilizes specific literary elements such as repetition, emphasis, and allusions, …show more content…

As Lincoln reflects on the actions of our country, there are specific elements in his use of language that allows the audience to comprehend his intention. Repetition is a vital component when conveying a theme to a group of people. Specifically, Lincoln utilizes the words “us” and “we” various times throughout the speech. In doing this, it notifies the audience that the upcoming events are not only the responsibility of a few people, but the nation as a whole. By repeating the words “us” and “we”, it emphasizes how each person contributes equally during any complication will overall strengthen the unity of the people. Specifically, this can be seen in the third paragraph of Lincoln’s speech where he states, “It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us.” Lincoln notifies his citizens that is it everyone’s duty to be dedicated to the civil war that approaches, and the only way they will achieve success is for everyone to consolidate