Ghettos During The Holocaust

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Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be cramped in a dark room barely larger than yourself for months without seeing daylight? To escape cruelty and abuse from the Nazis, many Jewish people living inside ghettos made the decision to passively resist during the Holocaust by hiding themselves in bunkers, safe houses, churches, and other places.
The Holocaust has no specific start. Instead, there are many small events that slowly built up and evolved into the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was appointed a Chancellor of Germany in January of 1933.
There were three types of ghettos during the Holocaust. These were closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos. Jews living in open ghettos were not enclosed within any fences or walls. Although …show more content…

There were many types of non-violent resistance during the Holocaust. These included hiding in secret places, disguising themselves to look like non-Jews, and running away. Every type of resistance, whether violent or not, came with a risk. Jews that were “Aryan” or blond, blue eyed, and tall, had the best chance of disguising themselves in the general population, as they were Hitler’s “perfect race”. Running away came with the risk of getting caught and being the reason for other people's suffering.
One example of a safe house during the Holocaust was the Warsaw Zoo. The zoo’s director, Jan Żabiński, saved more than 300 lives all while risking his own. He used the underground tunnels to hide Jews. He separated families to keep them safer. He fed them pork, despite the religious rules. His wife, Antonina Żabiński also played a key role in keeping the Jews safe. She played different piano tunes to signal different warnings. These warnings gave the Jews a signal that danger was