Ghost Beach Flashback

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Ghost Beach starts off with the flashback of Jerry’s dream. He and his sister are attacked by things popping out of the cemetery ground. The flashback ends when his sister asks him what was wrong with him. Here the setting moves on to a beach where they meet three kids. Jerry and Terri (Jerry’s sister) ask the kids about the cave. The kids warn them and walk away. Ghost beach continues with Jerry finding the skeleton of a dog. The 3 kids come and see the skeleton and then they blame a ghost for picking the dog clean. After the tale Jerry continually hears a dog bark. The 3 kids tell Jerry and Terri to not venture into the cave, but Jerry goes in anyway. Ghost Beach ends with Jerry and Terri and finding the names of every Sadler they met including themselves. When they ask Brad and Agatha they tell them they were named after ancestors.Then the 3 kids explain themselves and make plans with Terri and Jerry to trap the ghost. In the end we find that not everything seems as we thought it was. …show more content…

He believes in and fears ghosts but doesn’t want to admit it. At the beginning heb has a flashback to his dream. He tries to understand the situation at the beach but instead idles in fear. Ghost Beach first takes place in a cemetery (this is in Jerry’s flashback) where Jerry and his sister are attacked by the undead. Then the scene moves to a more peaceful beach when Terri decides to explore and ends up finding a cemetery. Then they go back home to a cottage by the beach, and later they explore a spooky cave and find thousands of bats living inside. I recommend this book if you like plot twists. Ghost beach was an interesting story for me to read, it had the plot twist, the strange kids, and the very suspicious cousins (Agatha and Brad). The reason why I recommend this book is because it is filled with mystery, and you never crack the case until the end… or do