
Ghost In The Shell Dualism Essay

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Dualism is a Cartesian thesis that is most typically understood as the separation of two opposing forms of being, the separation of the mind (conscious state) and the body (Simons, 2016). The concept of dualism is elaborately illustrated throughout the film titled ‘Ghost in the shell’ (Sanders, R., Hall, J., Masamune, S., Moss, J., Wheeler, W., & Kruger, E. (2017). Dualism plays a role in developing the story of the protagonist and is essential in building the narrative of this film, it also provides visual examples of the realistic functioning of dualism, however presented in an abstract way. The main story throughout the film follows the protagonist ‘Major’ later named ‘Motoko’ who’s mind was placed inside a robotic shell after her body was damaged, she functioned as a human mentally, but, as something inhuman physically.
A) How the film utilizes Dualism to …show more content…

Monism is similar to dualism through the fact that both philosophical position attempt to provide answers for the characteristics of existence. However, in direct contrast to the dualistic approach, monism is the belief of oneness, that existence is explained by “reducing all kinds of being to one single thing” (Haeffner, 2016, p.1). A fundamental quality of monism, is denying the idea of existence being formed from more than one substance (Haeffner, 2016). There are many different forms of monism in which different ways of singularity are expressed. In order to contrast against dualism correctly, the most fitting form of monism is ‘priority monism’. Priority monism; which is the belief that the only thing that really exists is ‘the world’ (Schaffer, 2016). Priority monism is one of the least practiced philosophical positions for defining existence, because of this, the significance of its direct counterpart; dualism, seems to gain significant possibility of being

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