Ghosts In 'Army Apparitions' By Alan Moore

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The Unexplained Apparition Although apparitions have become a popular topic among society, there is no way to sci-entifically prove that these ghost encounters are real based on personal accounts alone. In “Army Apparitions,” Alan Moore fails to prove the existence of ghosts by his insufficient amount of sci-entific evidence and reliable sources. Without scientific evidence the reader has to examine the retailing of a story or tale without knowing if it is credible. A reader will look for credibility but will usually lean toward their emotions and imagination to determine if they believe in the ghost story. “Army Apparitions” by Alan Moore recounts multiple ghost experiences that will explain to the audience many stories of ghosts that …show more content…

Moore implies that there are still instances of “unexplained phenomena” lurking around Army posts. He included stories from different military forts as well as actual encounters with these ghosts. Keenen in “Ghostly Legends” applied professional’s opinions on each story, declaring whether they are real or fictional. “It appears that science can-not answer the basic question of life and death” (Keenen 1). This was included from Raymond T. McNally a Boston College Professor and author of multiple Dracula books. Keenen used profes-sors as well as historians and neurologists to gain credibility in his article. In “Army Appari-tions,” Moore is basing his article’s credibility on the Army personnel included. One of Moore’s sources, a historian, mentioned in the article that the military was highly educated. However, he does not include supporting evidence as to the actual level of education. It is important for a reader to know what kind of person the information is coming from. Especially in these articles about ghosts, the authors must include the exact amount of credible information in order to en-hance the readers understanding on the …show more content…

Credible sources do not prove belief. Belief is an acceptance that a statement is true or that some-thing exists. Simply including credible sources does not make something exist. Everyone has their own opinions about whether something is true or not. When an author includes sources to back up his or her story they are doing this in hope that the reader will believe this person. Without scientific evidence it has become very hard to gain the readers belief on a topic based solely on another person’s thoughts. Moore keeps his opinion out of his piece, which helps put the readers focus on the ghosts stories. Each story in Moore’s article, “Army Apparitions,” details personal descriptions of experiences the witnesses were involved in. Moore’s use of key details through-out each story will definitely keep the reader on the edge of their seat, waiting to see what hap-pens next. Kevin Keenen in “Ghostly Legends” shows his credibility to the reader by stating the professions of each person he has talking about each ghost story. He includes professors, a neu-rologist, and a few historians from different locations and their opinions on the stories in his arti-cles. This allows the reader to consider a professionals’ opinion on the topic of ghosts along with evidence for why they believe that way. However, Keenen fails to prove the existence of ghosts even with credible opinions he lacks the

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