Giles De Rais Life And Accomplishments

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One of the first killers was Giles de Rais who was born sometime around September 1404 and executed October 26th, 1440 (8). Today, his achievements can be described as a “shadow of [his] secret life” as he rampaged across France which made him arguably the first serial killer in recorded history (8). In his early life, he was the Marshal of France, in Joan of Arc’s Special Guard, and a Solider in Dutch of Brittany (9). He served a long military service fighting battles and collecting a fortune along the way, until many noticed (after his recent change of religion to satanism) the odd numbers of children missing near Rais castles (8). When convicted, he confessed to abducting, torturing, and killing more than 140 children in the period of 1435 (3). Many historians believed Giles de Rais could have been innocent because of how generous he was before being accused and that they might have tortured him into confessing that he did it. However, since Giles admitted to his crimes he was put …show more content…

Born May 26th, 1883, Peter was raised by an alcoholic and abusive father. Without a positive male role model’s influence, at age 9 he formed an unhealthy relationship with his dog catcher neighbor, and he introduced Peter to bestiality, which was mostly dogs (14). Also at age 9, he admitted that he drowned one of his friends. Growing up as a teenager his sexuality matures, and his bestiality expands into larger farm animals. Peter decided to run away at age 13 and later accused himself of having sexually assaulted and killing 68 people between the time of February and November 1929. Having an outside influence like his father could have triggered a mental issue in him at a young age, letting him decide his intrusive thoughts to take over his violent actions (15). After founded as guilty he was executed from his crimes by guillotine July 2nd,