
Henry Lee Lucas Research Paper

744 Words3 Pages

Dalton Konz
Mrs. Neuberger
Composition l
February 23, 2023
Henry Lee Lucas’ Disturbing Life
The Contradicting Story
Henry Lee Lucas has raped, murdered, beaten, and eaten people. (SC4) During the first part of his killing spree, he killed his first victim at a bus stop. Though this person had in fact gone missing at the time that Henry Lee Lucas said he killed her there were many parts to his stories that did not add up and led to inconclusive evidence. The name of the woman at the bus stop was Laura Burnley though Henry has claimed several times that he killed her there is no one that actually knows what happened and who the killer was. After the first killing, he began a long past of in and out of prison for burglary but was never in trouble …show more content…

In fact not long after he got out of prison for killing his mother he then tried to abduct three girls and did not get away with it. He was caught and sentenced to three and a half years for the crime and had to serve the whole sentence. After he got out of prison he then moved to Pennsylvania where he married his cousins' ex-wife and worked at a mushroom farm. It is said that he started his killings sporadically over there while working at the farm up until he was accused of molesting his wife's daughters from her previous husband. Though he did end up admitting to molesting the girls he then started drifting throughout the southern part of the USA and committed various killings along the way that involved torcher rape and cannibalism. While he was going from state to state he would find odd jobs to keep himself fed and have the requirements to keep moving on. …show more content…

Though that claim is very astounding to a lot of people, there is evidence that some of them were in fact from Henry Lee Lucas and his partner Ottis Toole but there are also a lot of the killings that couldn’t have been done by them because of discrepancies in their story. These killings ranged from killing random people they found walking on the sides of highways to people that they had tracked in previous days. Since these men had a lot of knowledge as to how to kill from their previous killings they gradually got better at killing them than they were when they first started. Since these killings happened a long time ago there are a lot of unsolved mysteries about these two killers that no one will ever know. (“Henry Lee Lucas, 64, Murderer Who Said He Killed

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