Narrative Essay On Girl Shattered By William Rey

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Girl Shattered By William Rey Shortly after I married Yancy, I was astonished to discover that there were 36 of her! When I realized that she suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) I faced a decision that would take me on a journey unlike any I had taken before. Traditional therapy was not an option; it’s exquisitely expensive and usually involves decades of therapy. My career as a pilot had taught me to use logic in my decisions, so I simply reasoned that if a doctor could learn to fly an airplane, I could learn to be a doctor! Follow the true story of my quest as I study psychiatry, teach myself the treatment protocols, and reconstruct the fragmented mind of the woman I love, all at home with no formal training. My story will …show more content…

I was struggling financially when my first son Jeremy was born. My wife Bonnie was half Indian and half Italian with a temper that matched her heritage. I was very immature, so there was a lot of fighting and bickering and I was not enjoying my new life. Jeremy was about 14 months old when we finally decided that we both had had enough. Our phone had been disconnected for non-payment, so she had taken the car to go to a friend’s house to use their phone. She intended to call her parents and ask if she could move back home. She somehow didn’t see Jeremy playing in the driveway as she started the car and began to drive away. But he was there, innocently playing in front of the car, not realizing the danger. Amid the ensuing panic that followed, we somehow managed to pick up his limp body and go racing to the fire station where I knew there was an ambulance service. As I look back I can remember driving through peoples yards in an effort to shorten the distance to the help that we so desperately needed. It was a 40 minute ride to the hospital and Jeremy died about halfway there. The doctor told us that due to the extent of the injuries to his head that it was the best thing. I believed him. The following two weeks were just a long sad blur. We laid him to rest in Atlanta and tried to get on with our

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