Glaucon Definition Of Justice Essay

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I believe that they book of Gyges is about people are just “good or “fair because they’re afraid of consequence’s. What it really means to me is just being fair and trying to not be so on self-interest, but I also believe it’s a normal human thing that we do that because for being born we think of our own self for example we cry if we’re hungry as child does not know what else to do. We’re not think about oh should I help or thinking anything else but in our own self. I actually believe Glaucon is right with his definition of justice. Glaucon definition of justice is a “legally enforced compromise between doing injustice to other and having on justice done unto oneself”. I believe that Glaucon is right because states that there are three types of good. The first class of good …show more content…

The third class is the desire of consequences such as medical treatment. What Glaucon is really trying to say is that justice in any class is desirable. The definition of Egoism is “a doctrine that individual self-interest is the actual motive of all conscious action”. Yes, I believe everyone is an egoist but to some degree. In some sort of degree people are going to think of their self’s first then other because they’re going to be interested in their own self-interest. In Glaucon point of view he talks about that if you really see what people are for you would see that they desire to do wrong, but to suffer for the consequence is wrong. Since we don’t want to suffer the consequence we have a mind set to not hurt each other in the society. In my opinion I do believe justice is good and fair if people have the right mindset. For example, if someone was in trail and they are found guilty they wouldn’t think that it's fair. Justice is good and fair because if you do bad it comes back, and you get in payback