Glennon Height Elementary School: Case Study

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Safety should be a schools most important priority. Student who feel safe can excel at learning instead of worrying. Parents who feel their children are safe will worry less and work better. Every school should have a safety protocols and crisis management protocol. Glennon Height Elementary School has a great safety protocol and crisis management plan. After speaking to Bill Stidham the principal of Glennon Heights I did a walk through the grounds and school. Using the safety checklist, I was able to conclude that this school was very safety conscious. First, outside I found that the bus loading and unloading zone was very well marked and well lite, as was the parent drop off and pick up areas. The trees, hedges and even the concrete were well maintained. The school yard was totally enclosed in chain link fencing. There was signage for visitors to check in with the office. The bike racks had chain link fencing as well and could be seen from the front office and principals’ office. There are also security cameras at facing each main entrance and several …show more content…

The staff that are responsible for different duties must take a training class every year. Each duty has a main person and a backup. In the training session the staff responsible for crisis management learn to speak the same language as the first responders. This makes for no miss understandings between the school staff and first responders. The principal attends every class at the beginning of the year to go over the crisis management procedures, school safety procedures and the code of conduct. If a student misses this class, the librarian will pull them aside and they will watch it on film. Every person including the principal, staff, teachers, and student have to practice each of these drill. Some they do once a year others they do once a week. The more they practice the better the students and teacher respond to the hazardous