Climate Change Argument Essay

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According to the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change “Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and increase overtime (Callery).” The scientists working on climate change all over the world continue to believe that the global temperature will keep on rising in future due to human activities explained earlier, and they are pretty confident that the world temperature will rise up to 2.5 to 10 degree Fahrenheits in the coming century, which means a rise of almost 2 degree Celsius by the end of this century (NASA). Frequent wildfires are another huge effect of the climate change: which are already occurring at a very high rate in the forests of …show more content…

They believe that humans are working on many different methods to decrease pollution that leads to climate change. The Paris Agreement of 2016 is the most recent example and can be reason that supports their claim, but the fact is that, they are doing almost nothing to deal with this huge problem. The world leaders whom the people elect to look in to their problems and solve them at their first priority have blinded themselves on this issue. This is really sad that Donald Trump, the man who is called “The leader of the free world” thinks that climate change is just a natural cooling and warming phenomenon. In a press conference he said, “You can’t use a hair spray because hair spray is going to affect the ozone. They don’t want me to use hair spray, they want me to use pump (Rappeport)” Your first reaction to this can be ‘It’s Donald Trump, of course he said that’ But that is not okay. His administration is keen to believe that climate change is not an existential threat. He should be hold accountable for his ignorance on this important issue and demand better. These powerful countries of the world think that working on climate change would be expensive and uneconomical for them, and they will not be able to afford it when they are competing with other powerful countries. This