Global Warming Persuasive Essay

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Climate change is a problem that needs urgent attention

There’s many problems facing the human race, one of the largest and most important ones is climate change, it might not affect our generation much but is a huge problem for future generations and we have the responsibly to try preserve our world. I’m sure this isn’t news for most of you and that you’ve all heard of how global warming is a serious issue that needs urgent attention.

Global warming is an increasingly urgent problem. The urgency isn’t obvious because a large amount of warming is being delayed. But some of the latest research says if we want to keep the Earth’s climate within the range humans have experienced, we must stop burning fossil fuels immediately. If we do not act now we could push the climate beyond tipping points, where the situation spirals out of our control.

There are many myths about climate change being fake and that it is all a conspiracy theory, but it is highly agreed upon by 97% the worlds top scientists that climate change is real and we need to address it now. …show more content…

Since the Industrial Revolution in 1760 atmospheric CO2 has increased from 280 to 390 parts per million. This may not sound like a lot to you but 390 ppm is higher than carbon emissions have been in millions of years. Carbon dioxide is rising by 2 parts per million per year as we continue to burn fossil fuels and inject green house gasses into the atomosphere. To stabilise the Earth’s climate, we must reduce CO2 to the recommended safe level of 350 part per