Persuasive Essay About Climate Change

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In the past people claimed that climate change wasn’t real, and ignored it and by there actions basically said that it was not a present problem in their lifetime. Now the ever growing effects of climate are making a huge impact on our environment. Because in the past no precautions were taken to solve the current problems then we now have an even bigger problem on our hands than we should. Many problems have arised from climate change. The oceans are heating, and being pumped full of toxic waste, large masses of beautiful land was destroyed just for a limited power source. We need to set a better environment for our great grandchildren and …show more content…

He studied the rapid growth of human caused carbon emissions Svante claimed that this change in climate could make the earth more “equitable”. In 1965 the first high level mention of climate change was written in a book length report that identified many environmental troubles that would be seriously affected by the change in climate. Later in 2001 the IPPC (international plant protection convention) released it’s third report on global climate change with stronger evidence that climate change is a current problem and isn’t going to go away anytime soon. But one of the biggest problems we have today is our modern …show more content…

So what are they doing to help.
We as people need support from our leaders. We need the social backing and approval of them. Without them not many goals would be met or accomplished. But two brave countries America and china have both joined the paris agreement. This agreement helps deal with carbon emissions, and greenhouse gasses, and adapting to finances and conditions as early as 2020. Now that two of the largest contributors of carbon emissions have joined were finally on the road to victory.
China, it's one of the largest contributors to climate change, with a population of 1.371 billion it’s hard to provide a clean renewable energy source for that many people. And slowly they are changing that. China has cut there coal power use by 3.7% which dropped their carbon emissions by 2%. China continues to decrease their carbon levels, or even keep them at their current levels. China has been industrializing most of the countries life, but now they are practically finished and are more focused on adapting technology. And the emissions produced from that are little to