The Pros And Cons Of Global Warming

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It is often asserted that climate change is a shared reality. However, an opposition, organized around politicians and scientists paid by polluting energy lobbies shows us that nothing is simple. We must therefore reaffirm that climate change is a reality. The few people who dispute it like Inhofe use deceptive arguments and demonstrate intellectual dishonesty. Today this reality of global warming is shared by 97% of the scientists which is already a sufficient proof.

First, Inhofe is a controversial person with controversial argument. Indeed, he talks about “a climate change study” without ever mentioned any sources to be based on. This is hard to admit using study which used a regional phenomenon, or a small period of time to state that climate …show more content…

Indeed, Inhofe explains that the increase number of boats blocked by ice in the arctic is a sign of climate change. This is the symbol of Inhofe's scientific rigor. Some examples of known blocked boats would show that the number of blocked boat increases (but we have no figures) which would show that the ice does not decrease but increases and therefore the global warming is false. You do not have to be a genius to see that this reasoning is ridiculous. In addition, a simple satellite image proves the opposite, that is to say that the ice floes back. Moreover, this is easily explainable without mentioning climate change. Why not say that the world traffic has soared in this region while it didn’t exist a few decades ago because the ice prevented it. Moreover, in the beginning of his speech, he tries to convince us that the sun explained the warming and all of a sudden, the warming does not exist it's even the opposite! Consistency is the first of the virtues to try to convince on a