
Globalization And Sustainability And Shaping A Paint On A Basketball Player

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Objective A

While doing this project I wanted to achieve this because every time kids are playing games on the blacktop at lunch, kids are always on the blacktop playing basketball, wall ball or just talking there always going to mess up the paint. The global context that this falls under is Globalization and Sustainability because it helps restore the community's (the school) and helps restore the basketball court and add games for kids to have fun. My project is a community project because our school constantly has kids playing basketball and playing on the blacktop messing up the paint on the basketball court. I made changes to my project because the principles might have no excepted to paint lined games on the basketball courts, and we …show more content…

If I made changes to my criteria during the project I would change it that we had to have more of an option on what we could do and give us people to refer to that had knowledge with that project. This means that at the beginning of the year if you had somebody that was on a sheet that could be your mentor could be a lower grade if you work with them or somebody from the school it, and if it was somebody out of school you would get a better grade because it would be harder to find …show more content…

I communicated well with my partner and we both kept each other on task with the project and to get everything done. I developed to start thinking about a project when its first assigned so you don't fall behind because if you get declined then you can come up with another idea. If I and my partner put more time into this project we could have probably been able to do the actual plan and repaint the basketball courts or draw lined games on the blacktop. My self-management wasn’t the best for this

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