Hrm 531 Week 2 Team Assignment

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Part 2 - Resource Management
Resource Assignments
Our resource assignments are achieved by the collaborative efforts of teamwork. We assigned 50 people to the project which is more than enough to help achieve our intended goals and the start and finish times of our scheduled project activities. The team avoided resource overload by setting up a project schedule that was realistic as part of effective project plan. Each team member was held accountable for tasks appropriately assigned; checking in to assure there were opportunities to share progress or ideas with the team.
Project staff assignment documentation – includes names of project team members, memos to team members, and a project team directory.
The Project Schedule – The project schedule includes start and finish dates for project activities, assignments and timing for specific leaders, workers, or other project resources.
Resource requirements - The Schedule Development process includes estimates of the resource requirements for a project. Some activities may require double resources.
Resource Availability - Resource availability details the time periods when each project team member is or is not available to work on the project.

Resource Management …show more content…

Also, good planning and effective leadership keeps a team of people motivated and intact. Empowering the team to do what they think is right for the project is the plan because this will keep the members motivated and in line. By allowing the team to manage their own decisions, helps on completing tasks based on their knowledge while motivated to do so. Also, the key to resolve any team conflicts and to keep all members intact is an effective team communication. This includes issues and concerns saved for discussions in our daily morning roundup as well as discussions of what the plan is for each