Globalization In The Tropic Of Orange Analysis

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Nish Chhabra
Novel Genre

Globalization in the Tropic of Orange
In the Tropic of Orange, Karen Tei Yamashita mixes the real with elements of allegory, consciously embodying elements of what is now considered the magical realism genre. Set in a world where one would not expect magic to occur; Yamashita demonstrates the consequences of globalization through fusing it with Latin-American magical Realism. While not purely mimetic of the actual world, the fictitious world created by Yamashita is also not entirely rooted in fantasy. Through the analysis of Pavel and Gallagher one can see that elements of the unreal in fiction can help provide foundations of political and moral beliefs. Yamashita explores different truths through using several voices and plays around with the notions of time and space, thus incorporating verisimilitude into fiction. By creating a complex reality in which an orange can help carry an entire culture to another part of …show more content…

As Pavel states, ?All fiction and poetry insofar as they provide, to use Aristotles expression, the imitation of an action significantly contribute to community. They provide community with a vast repertory of cases, with a full blown casuistic,? (Pavel, 532). This is exactly what Arcangel is able to do through combining fiction, poetry, and history. ?When Aristotle compares poetry with history, he does not exclude the possibility that poetry and history could take the same characters and situations as their objects,? (Pavel, 529). Pavel implies that poetry has the ability to ?elevate? and that the historical figures in a poem can ?forever radiate magic grandeur and powerlessness? (Pavel, 530). The elements that Archangel?s narrative and character represent through lyric poetry is a more productive way to represent the past and the historically oppressed than observational description would