Glory Days Monologue

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ACT IScene 1(Lights up. It is dark outside on a cold November evening, John is sitting alone on a worn sofa, he wears a sharp well-fitting suit, he finishes his beer, loosens the tie around his neck and carefully folds it into his top left blazer pocket. John sighs, takes a minute to notice how messy the apartment has become. He sighs again, walks over to the record player and puts on 'Glory Days ' by Bruce Springsteen. The music begins and begins to pick up all the empty bottles and take away dishes around him. He walks into the kitchen and carefully begins to sort the rubbish into recycling and trash. He returns to the living room, sits down at an extravagant desk which is not in keeping with the rest of the flats furniture and picks up a …show more content…

Our final scene as some might say. It doesn 't feel real, none of this does. I 'm sitting here writing this letter to you and it feels like cowardice, the easy way out. I know that it is... How could I say this to your face, not after everything that we 've been through, after everything that I put you through. I couldn 't bare it.(John sighs.)I remember the first time I wrote you a letter, you were on holiday visiting your parents in Cornwall. I remember thinking about how it was the worst month of my life, having to be without you for so long, that was the moment when I knew I loved you and couldn 't see myself living without you, I refused to.(John gets up from behind the desk and perches on the front of it, facing the audience)I miss those days, writing to you telling you how much I miss you. Holding your hand, picnicking in Richmond park, 3am trips to Sainsbury 's because I 'd forgotten to get anything for dinner even though I promised that I would. I remember you looking at flats to rent in zone 1 when we both knew we would never be able to afford it.(he pauses)I 'm sorry I made you move to the suburbs.(John takes a sip of his drink)God Bexley is a shit hole.(John moves SL and sits in the arm chair. He thinks for a

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