Gnosticism In The Book Of Jude

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Aah! Gnosticism, Possibly the earliest of all heresies addressed by the church in the 1st century. Rampant thru the 1st and 2nd century see also Docetism and Montanists, Carpocrates, Basilides, Valentinus. Gnosticisms flow into the early church is believed to be the subject of the book of Jude ( Jude a book of scripture canonical, historical very unlike Barnabus). Truly an insidious heresy in that it infects its promoters with a heightened sense of self worth due to their 'receiving' secret knowledge.( The Secret of the Father has been revealed, Christ) This creates an us-them hierarchy where the ones with the Secrets become the Elite. after all they understand all mysteries. They travel into open portals of heaven to the throne, they have