Gnosticism & Mysticism

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The assumption that the modern world is rational, secular and driven by science is not new. During the Enlightenment, it was a prevailing belief that the emancipation of mankind would be reached through the growth of scientific knowledge (Gray, 2007, s. 2). However, God has yet to die, and in the previous century the world has witnessed an uprising of religious and spiritual movements (Shah & Toft, 2006, ss. 39-40). The book “TechGnosis - Myth, Magic & Mysticism in the Age of Information” by Erik Davis argues that contrary to popular belief, computers, internet and global communication has not replaced myths, magic and spirituality. The book explores many different ideas and topics related to the development of technology. However, this critical review will focus on the themes of Gnosticism and utopia and its links to technology and communication connected with resistance to this material world.
Technology and spirituality
The book is written in 1998, close to the millennia and at the mere beginning of the internet, which is evident in the whole atmosphere of the …show more content…

The focus has primarily centred around the concepts of Gnosticism and utopia linked with technology in relation to resistance. Erik Davis has written a comprehensive book on the topic, emphasising both the dangers and opportunities of technological development, and related the quest for knowledge in gnostic thinking that can lead to visions of technological utopias. The resistance to this world and pursuit for progress and evolution is explored extensively, illustrated by the creation of the alphabet, the first video game and the evolution of cyberspace. “TechGnosis” is engaging and original, and highlights important issues that should be considered carefully even today, with the extreme addiction to social media and serious discussions of surveillance and