
Goals Of The Bernie Sanders Political Revolution Movement

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Bernie Sanders Political Revolution
The Bernie Sanders Political Revolution movement encompasses many different ideals of American Society today, and shows that we can still come together for a political cause if we feel the urgency and integrity of the campaign. It is truly inspiring how much dedication, and persistence Bernie Sanders has as a politician in America in 2016. He has been one of the most influential figures in American politics from the very beginning, and continues to go against establishment politics, and fight for the average citizen. Whether it was back during the civil rights movement, or recently with the black lives matter movement. Which is why it is easy to see the reasoning behind the people who rally around him and …show more content…

Through this political revolution, the topic of change is of the most importance amongst his followers. Participants in the Bernie Sanders Political Revolution movement all envision the same views on politics, education, and the economy. Compared to what is now the standard political system, their views and stances are radically different. They prove a point to many different Americans,true change can come from any aspect of life, and in order to achieve change, we have to fight. There are many different goals that the members of this movement often iterate. One of the main goals of this movement, and any movement, is to spread awareness and get more attention. They want the American people to be aware of how corrupt our political system is and how Bernie Sanders aims to make it more fair and balanced, as he is leading by example by not accepting super pacs and only relying on small donations by individuals or civil …show more content…

Not only are young people backing Bernie Sanders, there are many different celebrities who follow his campaign and actively endorse Sanders on his many political views. Celebrities such as Spike Lee, Danny DeVito, Sarah Silverman, Will Ferrell, and Killer Mike have all publicly endorsed their vote for the Vermont senator. Some, such as Killer Mike, have taken it a step further and have actively campaigned for Bernie. He views Bernie Sanders as the only true candidate who can bring real change to the United States. Many of his followers feel his ideals are what Americans need to be focusing on, and that he is a very relatable candidate, especially when the other two are taken into consideration. From the belligerent, outspoken hatred of Donald Trump, to the constant shifting positions of Hillary Clinton, and her various scandals, it is easy to understand why his followers support him and not his

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